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Reconcile now!

In the book of Matthew "......first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. " plainly saying if we are not at peace with our brothers and sisters "we have erected a barrier beyond which that [God's] Grace cannot penetrate....It is we who are not permitting it to function because there is no room for God's grace in a conciousness already filled with condemnation ." (Goldsmith)

As Truth students, no person, place or thing is more important than God's grace in our lives, so we must reconcile with our enemies, co-workers, family members and friends; get rid of thoughts of condemnation towards any man, woman or child, starting now and everyday. If you can't physically approach the person you need to reconcile with let the Holy Spirit assist you. Prayer and Meditation is when the daily reconciliation can take place, lets get started today! Go to my website and be great today!

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