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What are you predestined for?

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

The Being that Created you and all things seen and unseen, knows everything about you. This Being (God) knows all of your thoughts and actions before you think or do, and as a result you're predestined for something that only you can create. The Laws of the Universe are ready and willing to serve you, so what are you predestined for? Your deeds today are a precursor to your future, so if you're not sure what you're predestined for, examine every area of your life now. What are your daily thoughts and activities? Be honest with yourself because this Being knows your Truth, it knows when you say "Good morning " but really mean "You make me sick." This pure Intelligence is beyond anything you or I think it could be, it's truly magnificent, and it will never be surprised by your actions, it already knows. While you're examining your life, if there's anything that you don't want to experience in your not too distant future, I suggest that you stop, repent and renew. Stop thinking and doing things that are outside God's will, repent of your sins, (to repent means to ask for forgiveness and to not continue doing the sin), and renew- ask God to give you a new and better way of thinking so you'll always know and do what's best for you and the people around you. A new mind and a new heart will keep you in alignment with God's will so you can answer the question of What are you predestined for? The answer is Health, Wealth, Prosperity, and every good thing that I was created to experience. Our destiny is our choice, choose wisely. Prayer and Meditation is the best way I know to stay in alignment with the will of God forever, lets get started today!

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